It is just over a year ago that I first published the Digital Toolbox with over 200 links to resources on the Internet for studying and teaching books of the Bible. With this issue, I am revisiting the toolbox. I have checked every link to make sure it still works and I have added a number of links that have come to my attention this year. In the text below, I give you an overview of those links that are new.
If you are interested in the Toolbox itself, it is available to registered readers of the monthly training letter; to apply (at no cost), see the form on the right.
So What’s New?
Two sets of resources, in particular, have drawn my attention in the past year, one put out by The Bible Project and the other by The Gospel Coalition.
The Bible Project ( is working to produce a short introductory video for each book of the Bible. Great stuff: both informative and fun to watch. I have used it in class (just be sure to think of some questions or an assignment to go with it).
The Gospel Coalition has a series by Nancy Guthrie tagged “help me teach the Bible” (audio; each page includes links to further resources for the book in question):
Help Me Teach the Bible: Scott Redd on Deuteronomy (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Dale Ralph Davis on Joshua (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Ian Duguid on Judges (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Ryan Kelly on 1 Samuel (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Gary Millar on 1 Kings (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Mike Bullmore on 2 Chronicles (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Christopher Ash on Job (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Mark Futato on Psalms (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Liam Goligher on Isaiah (Part One) (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Liam Goligher on Isaiah (Part Two) (
Help Me Teach the Bible: David Helm on Daniel (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Colin Smith on Jonah (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Lee Gatiss on Malachi (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Derek Thomas on Mark (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Michael Lawrence on Acts (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Bryan Chapell on Ephesians (
Help Me Teach the Bible: John Piper on Philippians (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Sam Storms on Hebrews (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Dan Doriani on James (
Help Me Teach the Bible: Greg Beale on Revelation (
Links for Specific Books
Mark Ward on Judges 11 (Jephthah: did he or did he not?
J. H. Stek, An Introduction to Proverbs (
Commentary on Isaiah (
Craig Keener’s 19 lectures on Matthew (if you really want to know and can handle 19 hours of video;
Craig Keener’s 23 lectures on Acts (like his lectures on Matthew, for those who really want to know and are able to handle 23 hours of video;
I. Howard Marshall’s 1991 lectures on the book of Acts (only 7 ½ hours! or These lectures are available in mp3 and video.
3 Distinctions That Will Help You Understand the New Perspective on Paul is helpful as a first introduction to or a quick refresher on the New Perspective (
Two-Day Intensive Course on Galatians by Douglas Moo (
Here are a few links of a more specialized interest:
The text of the latest (28th) edition of the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament ( is made available by the German Bible Society (albeit without textual variants).
The Online Greek Bible ( is a bit clunky to use, but it does give you the option to get information on many words by hovering over it. Plus, you can easily look up verses containing a particular Greek word using a normal keyboard.
The Hebrew Audio Bible ( is made available by the Academy of Ancient Languages; you can listen to the complete text of the Hebrew Bible chapter by chapter.
More a curiosity than a deposit of information for teaching, but it is fun to look at: The Utrecht Psalter ( is a medieval illustrated book of Psalms. You will be surprised how “modern-looking” many pictures are.

Illustrations and Music
I added another photo site. Unsplash ( publishes cool photos that are licence free (CC0) and therefore can be used for any purpose.
Two sites to go to for free music and sound to use in presentations etc.:
The Free Music Archive (
Free Stock Music (
Create a Learning Site Links
Finally, I have also included blog posts published at this website if there are relevant for studying or teaching a book.
The Lost World of Genesis 1-11 (
Seven Reasons to Read Leviticus (
Do the Feasts of Israel Have Prophetic Significance? (Leviticus 23;
DIY Habakkuk (study guide;
Paul in Three Words (
DIY Romans (study guide;
If you have time on your hands this summer, you could do worse than having a look at a few of these links and spent some of that time to create a learning site for yourself. Or get registered on the right, download the complete Toolbox, and explore some of the awesome free resources available for Bible study today.