In this issue, I am presenting the final instalment (unit 12-17) of my teaching on the book of Revelation. We will be looking at Revelation 12-22.
Last year, I published a general introduction as well as a more detailed look at the text of Revelation 1-11. I will include these 11 units in the overview below, so it is all in one place.
All units are available both as video podcasts on YouTube and as a complete script for each unit as a PDF, consisting of slides with text. New are units 12-17.
A brief bibliography on Revelation with books I have found particularly helpful is included at the end. First, video:
0 An Introduction to the Introduction
1 Different Approaches to Revelation
3 What Is Apocalyptic Literature?
4 Understanding Symbols in Apocalyptic Literature
8 Chapter 4-5: Heavenly Throne Room
10 Chapter 8-9: Seven Trumpets
11 Chapter 10-11: A Mighty Angel and Two Witnesses
12 Chapter 12-15a: Seven Signs
14 Chapter 16-18: Seven Bowls and Babylon
Second, PDF:
1 Different Approaches to Revelation
3 What Is Apocalyptic Literature?
4 Understanding Symbols in Apocalyptic Literature
8 Chapter 4-5: Heavenly Throne Room
10 Chapter 8-9: Seven Trumpets
11 Chapter 10-11: A Mighty Angel and Two Witnesses
12 Chapter 12-15a: Seven Signs
14 Chapter 16-18: Seven Bowls and Babylon

Brief Bibliography for Revelation
Recommended books on Revelation, arranged from simple to advanced:
William Hendriksen (1940, 2015), More than conquerors: An Interpretation of the Book of Revelation
Darrell W. Johnson (2004), Discipleship on the Edge: An Expository Journey through the Book of Revelation
Earl Wesley Morey (2003), Our God Reigns: A Guide to Understanding Revelation
David Arthur DeSilva (2021), Discovering Revelation: Content, Interpretation, Reception
Craig R. Koester (2018), Revelation and the End of All Things (2nd ed.)
G. K. Beale & David H. Campbell (2015), Revelation: A Shorter Commentary: a simplified version of Beale’s 1999 commentary
Richard Bauckham (1993), The Theology of the Book of Revelation
G. K. Beale (1999), The Book of Revelation (The New International Greek Testament Commentary)
In addition, there is Jonathan Menn (2018), Biblical Eschatology (2nd ed.); this book is an excellent and comprehensive introduction to the subject of eschatology (the end times) and includes a lengthy overview of Revelation.
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