
If you’d like to make a donation to our ministry, tax-deductible in the USA, you can do so through either Mission Enablers International (MEI) or YWAM Tyler.

For MEI, go to In the field “List Recipient”, enter our project code: 1104 Hornstra. Your donation will reach us through GoGlobal (GG3910), our German mission partner.

For YWAM Tyler, you can go through this link and use PayPal or a credit card:

You can also send a cheque (likewise tax deductible in the USA). Please make cheques payable to YWAM and add a note on a separate piece of paper that the donation is for Wilrens or Franziska Hornstra. Please do not put our name on the cheque. Send to: YWAM, P.O. Box 3000, Garden Valley, Texas, 75771-3000 USA.

Other options are listed in this document: Donations. If you have any question, you can contact me at

Thank you so much for your support!