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Sarcasm: Serious Business!
Sarcasm is serious business. I am not kidding! Wait… was that first statement sarcastic? Or at least ironic? And the second one? No, not really. The first one is a paradox for sure, an apparent…
Three Things: Trying Out a New Format
This is the first instance of something new I will do from time to time: share three unconnected insights or discoveries I have gleaned from my journey through Scripture. To be honest, one aim of…
How Do We Live Well?
Good questions are extremely valuable. What makes a good question? One key indicator is that the answer is not immediately obvious. The answer may even continue to evade us. This must not lead to frustration.…
Coming Soon: Website Relaunch!
This past May marked the 10th anniversary of Create a Learning Site. Over the course of 120 articles, I have shared what I have learned on a fascinating journey of discovery through the Bible’s history,…
Breaking the Silence: Rethinking 1 Timothy 2 and Women’s Roles in the Church
Let’s delve into the intriguing complexities of 1 Timothy 2:12, a passage often cited to restrict women from church leadership. But is it truly a blanket prohibition or are we sidelining half the church based…
Unveiling 1 Corinthians 11: Going beyond ‘New Women’
Learn about Paul covering the uncovered: his surprising stand for women in 1 Corinthians 11.
It’s a MARBLE!
The United Bible Societies have produced a website that is truly a marvel: https://semanticdictionary.org/. It shows either the Greek NT or the Hebrew OT next to a translation (RSV in English). It also gives access…
Christian Zionism: Revisiting My Doctoral Dissertation (II)
What new insights related to Christian Zionism have been produced by scholarship over the past 16 years? This is Part II of a re-evaluation of my thesis (Hornstra 2007). Part I looked at three points…
Christian Zionism: Revisiting My Doctoral Dissertation (I)
For this month and next, something slightly different: an update on (and review of) my 2007 dissertation (based on a lecture I presented recently at a theological forum). What is the status of scholarship on…
In Memoriam
On 21 July of this year, my mom passed away. She was 85 years old. The funeral was a week later. I want to share with you what I said on that occasion. And here…