Author: wilrens

  • Zechariah 9-14: Does It Make Any Sense?

    Zechariah 9-14: Does It Make Any Sense?

    Once again I have been asked to teach the book of Zechariah in an SBS this month. I suspect because no one else was eager to take it on. I can understand why. This is an intimidating book with some very confusing passages in it. I have often thought it may be the most difficult…

  • Six Reasons Why I Am Starting This Blog (and Why You Might Want to Follow It)

    Six Reasons Why I Am Starting This Blog (and Why You Might Want to Follow It)

    Any SBS graduate will recognise the “Why?” question; it is often a good one to ask when engaging with a biblical text. Here, I am asking it in relation to this new platform: why bother? In these first few pre-launch posts I explain my motivation a bit more in detail – for those who are…

  • The Lost Value

    The Lost Value

    I first wrote this essay in the autumn of 2002, shortly before I started my Ph.D. project. It describes part of my motivation to go through this, well, ordeal. In the new context of this website it serves a similar purpose: a partial answer to the why question. The text has been slightly edited for…

  • Movable Type

    Movable Type

    The first time I heard this phrase I had no idea what it meant. It refers to Gutenberg’s invention that enabled book printing. As we all know, up until his time, everything had to be copied by hand or by cutting out a wooden template. Gutenberg used single letters that he combined in a frame.…