Category: Teaching
Deconstruct Your Faith: The New Trend?
What are we to make of ‘deconstructing faith’? Is ‘evangelical’ still a meaningful – or desirable – label? What can we do about young adults leaving the church?
The War of Art
This is not a mistake. I don’t mean the art of war, that is a different topic. The War of Art is the title of a book by Steven Pressfield. I did not like the book. But its main idea, reflected in the title, really helped me. You can also watch this content as a VIDEO…
Nine Ideas to Improve Your Learning
There is a reason why this site is called Create a Learning Site. The name combines two of my main passions, learning and creating. I love to learn, and I love to share what I am learning. I created the learning site as a platform to learn and to share. I was reminded of this…
Expository Preaching: A Power Tool for God’s Church
I don’t preach very often. I am at heart (and by profession) a teacher, not a preacher. But I do believe that preaching is of the utmost importance. There is no greater power that materially resides in our world than the word of God as it has been written down in the Bible. It is…
The Revised Toolbox
It is just over a year ago that I first published the Digital Toolbox with over 200 links to resources on the Internet for studying and teaching books of the Bible. With this issue, I am revisiting the toolbox. I have checked every link to make sure it still works and I have added a…
Ten TED Talks to Improve Your Public Speaking
And now, for something entirely different… I’d like to introduce you to your personal trainer in public speaking. Let’s face it: in order to effectively create a learning site for others, having good content is only half the job; a good presentation is equally important. In this issue, I turn to TED Talks as a…
End Bible Poverty Now, So Henrietta C. Mears Might Say Today
This is the post that almost did not get written. Henrietta Mears originally caught my attention when I found out she was a Sunday school teacher (or so I thought; turns out she was much more) who published a book with an introduction to each book in the Bible, and this book sold four million…
Creative Meditations Using Stations
My first encounter with creative meditations in the form of stations was in 2010 when we came to Spain to do the Leadership Development Course (LDC). On our first full day together, after an impressive welcoming breakfast, we had an hour or so to go around a number of stations that had been set up…