Tag: Law
How Do We Live Well?
Good questions are extremely valuable. What makes a good question? One key indicator is that the answer is not immediately obvious. The answer may even continue to evade us. This must not lead to frustration. It can also open up room for repeated reflection and accumulating understanding. The present title – how do we live…
Do You Love the Law (David Did)? (Part 2)
Last month, I formulated a New Testament understanding of the law. Paul is emphatic that Christians are not “under the law,” because they have died to the law – all of it, not merely certain sections. It is possible to come away from such an exercise believing that the Old Testament law is therefore just…
Do You Love the Law (David Did)? (Part 1)
What, if anything, is our relationship with the Old Testament law? I was recently asked to teach an introduction to the Torah, the first five books of our Bible, in YWAM Heidebeek’s Bible for Life course. This gave me an opportunity to wrestle anew with this important question – important because it concerns a sizeable…