Tag: Prophets
How to Teach the Prophets
To summarize the message of the prophets in two words – is that possible? I think so. It takes two short Hebrew words, one of which I am sure you know. It also needs an additional concept. And, okay, maybe a third word. But then we capture the heart of the matter. You can also…
DIY Habakkuk
After the excitement of last month’s issue dealing with blood moons and other “cataclysmic” events, it’s time for something more down-to-earth. In a very real way, this issue is about the book of Habakkuk. At the same time, I am not going to tell you anything about it. This is a DIY, a do-it-yourself issue.…
Zechariah 9-14: Does It Make Any Sense?
Once again I have been asked to teach the book of Zechariah in an SBS this month. I suspect because no one else was eager to take it on. I can understand why. This is an intimidating book with some very confusing passages in it. I have often thought it may be the most difficult…