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Anniversary Issue: Five Years Create a Learning Site
This month, it is five years since the first issue of Create a Learning Site (CALS) came out. That makes for a grand total of 60 issues. So this one, issue 61, will be a…
In Honour of Jesus: Objectivity Is Overrated (Eyewitnesses and the Gospel)
In January of last year, I did an issue on the authorship of John’s gospel, based on a book by Richard Bauckham (the answer, it turned out, is not as simple as that phrase, the…
Out of Egypt
Where did the Israelites cross the Red Sea? Or did they? Perhaps it would be better to ask: What did they cross? Questions like these have been a puzzle for biblical scholars. For many today,…
Ezra: What Is Its Message?
For last year December, I was asked to teach a week in Norway that included the book of Ezra. This offered me a rare opportunity. I don’t think I have ever taught this book before,…
Jesus on Divorce
The teaching of Jesus on divorce has been misunderstood by the church virtually from the beginning. The traditional view is that divorce is only allowed in the case of adultery and of desertion by an…
Crucifying the Warrior God (Boyd Project 5)
It is time to wrap up. How does Boyd’s cruciform hermeneutic work when it is applied to actual Bible passages? In the first volume of The Crucifixion of the Warrior God, Boyd posits the cross…
A Peculiar Blend of Cruciform (Boyd Project 4)
The previous issue dealt with chapter 1-6 of Greg Boyd’s monumental book, The Crucifixion of the Warrior God. It presents Boyd’s general theory of interpretation, which can be summarized in one word: cruciform. The second…
A Cruciform Hermeneutic (Boyd Project 3)
In this third issue on Boyd’s monumental work, The Crucifixion of the Warrior God, I begin to interact with the book itself. In the first six chapters, Boyd gives us his general theory of interpretation…
War in Joshua (Boyd Project 2)
I continue my exploration of the conquest of Canaan; this issue is all about the book of Joshua. If taken at face value, Joshua may be the most violent book in the Old Testament (OT).…
The Conquest of Canaan (Boyd Project 1)
I am launching a project that will take me several issues to complete. The subject is a big one: what some people refer to as the violence of God in the Old Testament (OT). Gregory…
The War of Art
This is not a mistake. I don’t mean the art of war, that is a different topic. The War of Art is the title of a book by Steven Pressfield. I did not like the book.…