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The Synoptic Problem
Matthew, Mark, and Luke have much in common, especially when compared with John. These three are therefore called the synoptic gospels (from Greek syn = together and opsis = view or seeing), since they provide…
The Seven Cities of Revelation
The book of Revelation begins with seven letters to seven churches in seven cities in the Roman province of Asia. You probably know this. The condition of each church and specific facts about each city…
Probably no event in the Old Testament is as well documented as Sennacherib’s invasion of Judah in 701 BC. The Bible itself gives us three accounts: 2 Kings 18:13-19:36, Isaiah 36-37, and 2 Chronicles 32:1-23.…
Codex, Kingdom of Heaven, Rapture: Three Random Things
I regularly run into bits and pieces of insight or information that fascinate me but that seem too small to turn them into a full issue of Create a Learning Site. This month, I present…
Who Wrote the Fourth Gospel?
John’s gospel is not a book I have taught often. Without giving it much thought, I have usually assumed that the “John” of its title must be the apostle John, the son of Zebedee, one…
Do You Love the Law (David Did)? (Part 2)
Last month, I formulated a New Testament understanding of the law. Paul is emphatic that Christians are not “under the law,” because they have died to the law – all of it, not merely certain…
Do You Love the Law (David Did)? (Part 1)
What, if anything, is our relationship with the Old Testament law? I was recently asked to teach an introduction to the Torah, the first five books of our Bible, in YWAM Heidebeek’s Bible for Life…
Thinking about Thinking
There is enormous diversity among Christians in what we believe and in how we understand various passages in the Bible. This is a simple and straightforward observation; at least on this, we should be able…
The Message of the Temple
It is with a mixture of excitement and relief that I come to the end of Greg Beale’s book, The Temple and the Church’s Mission. There is excitement because of its well-argued thesis, which I…
How to Boggle Your Mind: The Miracle of Language
Language is mind-bogglingly complex – as illustrated, in a small way, by the strange word “mind-bogglingly”! The Bible is written in human language. If we care about interpreting the Bible, it pays off to think…
Nine Ideas to Improve Your Learning
There is a reason why this site is called Create a Learning Site. The name combines two of my main passions, learning and creating. I love to learn, and I love to share what I…
Expository Preaching: A Power Tool for God’s Church
I don’t preach very often. I am at heart (and by profession) a teacher, not a preacher. But I do believe that preaching is of the utmost importance. There is no greater power that materially…